Cult Escape: Inspiring courage and hope for anyone seeking freedom from religious control.


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Hello, I’m John Spinks, a cult survivor, fortunate enough to have been able to turn my negative past into a positive experience to help those struggling in cults today. I was born into the strict Exclusive Brethren cult. I grew up like a bonsai tree with a false identity, unable to be or to express my true self. I was indoctrinated in 11 meetings a week and coerced into being a clone of the ‘Universal Leader,’ a man who lived 3000 miles away. I never met him, but he ruled the 45,000 members of his group savagely, demanding total compliance to his crazy rules or else the worst punishment possible; total separation from your Dad and Mum, your siblings and family, all your friends; for life.
I managed to escape when I was 22, lost my family, but as a result of going through this experience, here is the Cult Escape campaign, the website and the book with my full story. In it are principles that can help anyone trapped in any cult or abusive controlling situation. It’s all about creating awareness. Please read on, and pass on this help and encouragement to those who need it.
Many thanks.


Trapped in a religious cult? Left a cult but still struggling? Wounded and hurt by the experience and need healing? Read on! 

10 questions that the book Cult Escape explores…

  1. Why have I decided to tell my story now?
  2. What do you do when your family is split by religious law?
  3. How does it feel when you say goodbye to your parents for maybe the last time, because their religious law says you have to go?
  4. What does every cult have in common, yet they all disagree upon?
  5. Why do no religious group call themselves a cult?
  6. Why would simply owning a mobile phone cause a family to leave the  husband / father?
  7. How do some cults have so much power over people?
  8. How much religious control over your life is acceptable?
  9. How can you escape and get healed from years of brainwashing?
  10. What is the solution to controlling religion?

This book will show that no matter how trapped, how upset, or how damaged you may feel today, there is hope for you. The assault that cults inflict on the mind will not have the final word. Love will.

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Dr Cathleen Mann PhD

Dr.Cathleen Mann, PhD
Cult Psychology Specialist and Judicially Qualified Expert

ABOUT DR.MANN: Cathleen Mann, PhD, has consulted in about a hundred cases involving cults, undue influence, psychological influence, and related areas. Read more…

  • “A book straight from the heart and soul of a cult survivor. Johns telling of his story to inspire others is such a courageous act of love. A must read for anyone interested in Cults or recovering from being in one.” Grant
  • “I can honestly say I didn’t put this book down…” Carol W
  • “I struggled to put the book down. A lifetime of experience, pain and healing has gone into writing this book.” Mr Kidd
  • “Gosh John, what a journey you’ve been through so far…” J Finnerty
  • “A Book of Healing and Hope for Others.” Kristi Borst PhD
  • “His story is gripping, and I found myself cheering for his escape….and the escape of countless others that are sure to follow after reading this book…” Heather Hamilton
  • “Who doesn’t like a great story…?” C Moulton
  • A fascinating read which must have taken immense courage on John’s part to have to re-live painful memories in producing this work. A shameful indictment that cultist practices still lurk in the shadows in 2019 and as the author noted on his FB page recently, those who inflicted this suffering on him in his formative years tried to stop this being published. Amazon Customer.


What is your Polygamy? | Lance Allred | TEDxSaltLakeCity

March 23, 2020

Lance Allred, the first deaf player in NBA history, challenges his audience to identify their self-limiting beliefs by sharing how his experience of growing up in a polygamist culture created his own constricting psychological boundaries and how he eventually was able to break free.

Born and raised in a polygamist commune in rural Montana, Lance Allred escaped at the age of 13. He was the first legally deaf player in NBA hHistory, with 80% hearing loss, when he played for the Cleveland Cavaliers in 2008. A conversation with Lance will challenge your perceptions and invite you to look deeper at the psychological boundaries that shape your reality.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at